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Equipment Rental and Liability Release Agreement

本人完全清楚明白及了解表格內所列出的設備、裝備和器材的守則及其條款,並願意承擔在租用期間所有一切的損毀或遺失或延遲歸還之责任及賠償。如在租用的設備、裝備和器材期間發生遺失、被偷竊或損壞的情況,本人將會按照(底部的賠償價目表)賠償予China New Horizons (Hong Kong) Limited (下稱 “CNH”), 並同意按照預定的時間和日期歸還。否則, 貴公司可扣除本人一半的按金。倘若本人超過一小時歸還租用的設備、裝備和器材,明白及同意按照裝備/器材借用同意書及價錢表中的按金歸中國新視野(香港)有限公司"CNH"所有。

I accept for use, as is, the equipment listed on this form, and accept full financial responsibility for the care of the equipment while it is in my possession. I will be responsible for the replacement, at full value, of any equipment rented under this form which is lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise not returned to China New Horizons (Hong Kong) Limited (“CNH”) (See damage chart pricing below). I agree to return all rental equipment by the agreed time and date or I shall forfeit half of the equipment rental deposit (see rental charge by “Equipment Rental Agreement and Price List”). 1-hour overdue of agreed upon time will result in complete forfeit of deposit.


本人同意只在和中國新視野(香港)有限公司"CNH" 所討論的指定和商定的區域使用該設備、裝備和器材,以及了解其功能和使用方法,並確定自身能合適操作及使用。

I understand that the sport of paddling, and other related water activities involve inherent and other risks of INJURY and DEATH. The risks include but are not limited to: physical exertion, inclement weather, capsizing of watercraft, immersion in water, hypothermia, accidents or illness in remote areas, equipment failure and malfunction, drowning, and loss or damage to personal property. I voluntarily agree to expressly assume all risks of injury or death that may result from the use of this equipment. I agree to use the equipment only in the specified and agreed upon area discussed between myself and CNH. I further agree to wear an approved personal flotation device at all times while in a rented kayak and I confirm that I am physically fit to operate, and use said equipment and that I understand the equipment's use and function.




With respect to group rentals, the undersigned lessee hereby represents and warrants that he/she has secured the consent of all users of the equipment being leased to assume all risks of injury, loss or damage resulting from or related to the use of this equipment and to release CNH, from all liability as provided above.



I agree to release CNH, its employees, owners, volunteers, affiliates, agents, officers, directors, and the manufacturers and distributors (collectively "providers") of the equipment from all liability for injury, death, property loss and damage which results from the equipment user's participation in the sport of kayaking &/or canoeing, or is in any way related to the use of this equipment, including all liability which results from the negligence of providers, or any other person or cause. I further agree defend and indemnify providers for any loss or damage, including any that results from claims or lawsuits for personal injury, death and property loss and damage related in any way to the use of this equipment.



如因本人的行為或疏忽導致第三者受到任何損失, 受傷或死亡,本人願意承擔其一切有關的責任及後果; 包括有關索賠或訴訟,及承擔中國新視野(香港)有限公司" CNH"因其引致的損失,或有關索賠或訴訟。

With respect to group rentals, the undersigned lessee hereby represents and warrants that he/she has secured the consent of all users of the equipment being leased to assume all risks of injury, loss or damage resulting from or related to the use of this equipment and to release CNH, from all liability as provided above.



如本聲明中任何一項協議被任何法院或行政機構認定為無效或無法執行, 該無效或無法執行的協議條項亦不能影響本聲明之其他規定, 本聲明的規定仍保留一定的法律約束/效力。

If any agreement in this statement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by any court or administrative agency, the invalid or unenforceable agreement shall not affect the other provisions of this statement, and the provisions of this statement shall remain legally binding.



請特別注意於白腊灣以外的海域或有機會遇上波濤洶湧的海浪以及强風,本公司强烈建所有的水上活動人士, 於風力超過4级時(11-16海里/小時),請停留於白腊灣。

Please note that you might encounter choppy wave and strong wind once you are outside of Pak Lap Bay, we strongly recommend all kayakers to stay within Pak Lap Bay when wind force exceeds gale force 4 (11-16 knots). I have read and understood the above disclaimer in detail, and agree to the disclaimer, rules, and all terms and conditions of CNH.

本人已詳細閱讀及明白上列免責條款, 並同意中國新視野香港有限公司的免責聲明, 規則, 一切條款及細則。



In case of any dispute, CNH & Pak Lap Academy reserves the final decision.

©2025 by CNH

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